Further Wanderings, Wonderings, and the Usual Underlying Angst
Well golly- now I remember what embarassment feels like.
It isn't my patience that gets in my way. Possibly there is a lack of proper discernment. What even does "getting in my way" mean? Instead of over analysing things I'll just say I was tired. My actions, my activities, my thoughts and feelings brought me past my comfort level. My day 11 commentary is symptomatic of my having become uncomfortable. I am imperfect. I need to remember to take care of myself.
The floor is swept. The laundry is on the line. I am washed and shaven. Tonight I will visit people and enjoy company- human interaction.
If and when I someday come to that hypothetical moment where the energy of life and the organisation of consciousness go away from my body, I wish to feel certain that I have helped more than I have hindered. I'd like to not be a nuisance at all but that isn't realistic.
Well, on into the future. Time to find out what the Sean, of the moment after this one, is like.
Writing, well typing, now on Saturday. Been mostly thinking the past few days as to how to write more clearly with less 'teenage angst' and more frankness and positivity. Or is it my style to write mostly about the internal workings of conciousness. Either way, I think what I'm posting should be worth the reader's effort.
Dinner was good. The strawberries caught my attention. The company held my attention. I hope I didn't talk too much.
Day 13: Thursday, April 27
Went into town again. Made it to the post office before closing. Been wanting to assemble and send a certain package for a while and finally accomplished that. Went to the library, got a library card and borrowed some books: astronomy, GPS navigation and writings about walking outdoors in Minnesota. Then it was off to the little shopping mall for provisios to carry home on my lap.
A box containing drawing stuff and paper model stuff arrived today. I stayed up late working at a drawing, refamiliarising myself with the intentions which had fostered the two-dimensional efforts.
Day 14: Friday, April 28
Rainy day, spent mostly inside reading library books and further sorting travel plans. Continuing with the drawing efforts, I worked on some computer spreadsheets which have to do with the initial motivations for the expression.
House things were further organised and slightly tidied. Mr. and Mrs. antFarmer will be here for the weekend. I hope I don't appear too slovenly to them, well Mrs. especially.
Day 15: Saturday, April 29
Having doubts about this writing thing and my whole lifestyle in general. I need to finish up inside and get to the river.