Monday, January 25, 2010

Swiss Tunnel

Outside it is raining. The temperature is probably 32 right now. Tomorrow it's supposed to be more than 40 and keep raining.

We have begun to pack the snow establishing a track around the field. Just a few laps the other day. But six more today. By me in the sitski with extra big baskets on the poles. And Lizzie on the stand up skis. And Missy the dog making sure the path is not too even. So now we have the beginnings of a super-good cross country skiing velodrome.

But it is raining.

But it will get cold again. IF we ski tomorrow and the next day, no matter how slushy: it will freeze again. IF we keep good tracks going, then we can ski on ice! A loop of ice; a path of speeding up; a particle accelerator; a teeny CERN machine!!

The French have a little Statue of Liberty. Why shouldn't the people of Brownfield in the State of Maine have a mini particle accelerator?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Orion has arisen.

He is hunting stuff on the right hand side of the sky.

I don't know where his dog Serious is.

The digging away of the snow on the path to the firepit is coming along nicely. The igloo thing over the benches is still mostly just a concept, although the snow pile behind the benches is piled at least 10 inches higher that them and I am mentally preparing to procure the dishpan from which the future igloo bricks will be fashioned.

The 1 cup of lentil beans and the 1 cup of black eyed peas are soaking. After I post this I will get the chisel which Liz used to work her carpentry magic on the new soap and detergent and acoutrement shelving bench thing and I will use it to break the frozen ground moose meat package in half. Then I can keep 1 half frozen and ready the other half for the glop-fest. It is gonna be pretty good and I am psyched.

Just need to get some more chard or other appropriate green. Been eating a good amount of garlic. Frozen peas all set to go with the bacon in the frigerator and a sweet potato from the table between the fridge and the stove for eating stuff tonight.

Plus the fire is going and I think my feet are warm enough and Orion is King Champeen and I'm gonna go do domestic cooking stuff in the kitchen.