How to Ever Say It
I look to life as it laughs at me
And then I contemplate largeness and smallness
And wholeness and partness
And impossible and definite
And chaos and common
And attained and ungraspable
For a time I am still and quiet and without concern
Nothing is missing and beauty abounds
Still there are grant proposals unwritten and connections uncontacted
Applications unopened and pieces out of place
I have bags to unpack, things to move about, trash and trivia to discard
My bed is unmade and my teeth are unbrushed
Yet now I have had consolation
I have thought about e
e is simplicity and e is also paradox
e is a mathematical constant like pi
for me e is something else as well
So this is the life of the returning hero. I am back in Pennsylvania with family and I have time for the first time in a long time to tend to a lot of details. It is time to make the background of my life stronger and more secure and more stable. Time to reinforce foundations and sow seeds for the future.
Practically speaking though it is time to unpack a bit further and go brush my teeth.
Then once again it can be time for e.