Thursday, October 05, 2006

Update from Pahoa

I'm logging a report from the field.

Internet cafe in the Malawa Shopping Center in the town of Pahoa in the District of Pahoa.

Tonight Raul and Dan accompany me to dinner as a sort of closing note on the 40 hour trip up the big hill. Not sure where we are going and all that but fairly sure it will be relaxing and nourishing. There will be a few other members of the community sharing this time with us.

At the moment though I'm getting some emails out and pictures loaded and even a short web log bit. I'm drinking locally grown coffee and I'm halfway through my second large cup of carrot juice.

My hands were pretty sore Sunday and Monday but they are back to full go now. Monday I made it to Uncle Rober's Awa Club to sample this beverage, awa, made from the pounded root of the awa plant. It is an earthy taste and has a relaxing affect. We sat a long while there, near the former town of Kalapana, now covered by lava. I'm not certain but I think Uncle Robert's is the only business in Kalapana. The sign for Kalapana Street does now hang beneath the corrugated metal roof of the open air awa bar.

Wednesday I finally got my body into the ocean. I am somewhat drawn to the idea of giving up the mountain roads and becoming a surf monk. Please though, nobody tell the mountains I said this.

There has been some touristing the past few days


Blogger GiYo said...

Once again I am back on your website being inspired. I don't know if you read your comments but I just landed in San Jose back from Hawaii. I drove up to San Francisco and I am a bit drunk sitting in front of a friends laptop typing to you. The day before I left I drove down to Kalapana with my sister and Hiked 5 miles to see where the Lava is flowing into the ocean. It was a beautiful site to see, just a few miles from the Kalapana beach that got run over, I have many childhood memories at that beach. Anyways, I have been telling all my friends about you and your brother, you are an inspiration and your voices need to be heard loud! I hope this comment finds you well, I am gonna try and make it to Yosemite so I can see you top El Cap.

Blogger Sean said...

hey giyo-

thanks for the kind words
just topped on El Cap yesterday

can you email me through my blog profile?


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