Friday, September 22, 2006


The Autumn Equinox for 2006 occurs on September 23 at 4:03 Universal Time. Universal Time means Greenwich Mean Time. Presently I am in Mountain Daylight Time, so the Earth will be at the Equinox point this evening at 10:03. Likewise, if for instance you live in Maine, it will be just past midnight. Anyway, seasonal change is upon us. For many of us, the weather is altering and our surroundings differ as well.

But today their is a sort of symmetry. Maybe it is only symbolic. Dark and light are in balance just around now.

I am nearing the end of my stay in Colorado. August was ancient Eastern mountains with loads of broadleaf. The past two weeks have been near the Continental Divide- younger mountains and far more conifer than broadleaf. Next is not even continent. What sorts of trees I don't yet know.

I'll be between the great landmasses on a minor glitch where the planet's super heated interior has leaked out and piled up. Piled up so high that it has piled from the bottom of the ocean up to the water's surface and then another 2 and 3 fifths miles toward the sky.

Happy Equinox.


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