On Center
Coach has been taking good care of me.
Thursday early evening he met me at the North Conway library. By the middle of mid evening Coach had me familiar with all of a steady four mile incline leading to a place called Pinkham Notch.
Maybe twenty minutes after cresting that one, Coach had me at the bottom of a memorable mile called Thorne Hill. Fifteen minutes later, at the tail end of mid evening, Coach was off to grab up the chariot while I sat laughing at what we just did.
Day two, Coach had some stuff to sort so I took off three or so miles down one road toward another road called Town Hall. Luckily Coach and one of his assistants showed to pick me up just at the point where the road in front of me had a sign announcing steep grade (down) next two miles. Two on mountain bike and one on a chainless four wheel contraption heading along Town Hall Road: up a mile of paved road then five or so more of up and down dirt road. The bicycle support crew gave excellent support then headed back for the coachmobile while I continued down mostly uphill dirt and gravel. I did my best to get as far as I could before pick up.
Then there is today. Today is center day. Coach was working and I spent the morning reading a boook about endurance nutrition and experimenting with a pressure relief system to save my tailbone. By 1 PM I was ancey and got a ride from the home owner of the quality house where Coach set me up and went back to Town Hall road. Yesterday I tried to stay in the least gravelly part of the road, so today I started from the bottom and went quickly past the paved part and decided to test my stick-to-it-iveness (sp?) and rode the entire unpaved section in the center where the biggest rocks and loosest dirt sit.
Coach said I did okay.