Thursday, August 11, 2005


So on Monday I wanted to get to Madison by way of a dirt road called Glines Hill, I heard it is a nice hill. I missed the turn from Rte 153 to Glines (actually a straight, as 153 makes a full right angle turn). I continued down 153 and eventually became suspicious that I'd missed Glines. I took the next available right turn, and eventually covered over 23 miles instead of the planned 16. All this to make up for a missed hill climb. In the end Assistant Coach Marc Durant got me to the Madison Boulder before sunset, but using a car.

So gee, then eventually it was Wednesday and I had a route mapped out that included a warm up dirt road hill on the way to Eaton Village and the Glines Hill Road dirt road hill. Of course I got a bit lost at the top of Gulph road, the first dirt road hill, and added fourty minutes of up and down driveways and dead ends to make for a proper warm up. Then of course I eventually got to Glines Hill Road and Marc showed to check on me soon after I had found a payphone to be completely useless in attempt to contact him. Talking to Marc, I estimated my hill ascent at 30 minutes or so. A solid hour later I was entirely certain that this hill and its loose sand and gravel and pebbles and rocks was truly a hill. Another twenty minutes later I was over the top and very nearly under the weather. They say time heals all wounds, and a bucketful of minutes later I was off the down slope of Glines and approaching Boulder Road. Another bowlful, or two, of minutes gone by and introspectional activities had been conducted at the Erratic sight with all transport fueled only by things drank or eaten.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sounds like you are doing okay in spite of your self.....good description of what is taking place. Keep on keeping on. Love ya.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are truley the prince of pain and the pontif of patients. Any openings in your next class on doing stuff?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.


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