Saturday, August 13, 2005

In Preparation

Today is Saturday. Coach, that's Tim Martel, will be back today from a week long guiding job. I last saw Tim on Thursday the 4th. Since then I have been doing mostly long routes- some hills but the concentration has been simple endurance- keep moving for a bunch of hours, carry 6 or more pounds of water and Gatoraid with me.

I completely took the day for rest yesterday, Friday, in prepartion for Auto Road muscle readiness. The day before, Thursday, had concluded with an hour's swim in Echo Lake and then more than enough pasta (which is sort of only almost enough).

Tonight I will speak with Tim and we will work out a schedule for the actual Auto Road climb. This afternoon I plan to do an off road hike with Cliff Cabral, the kind and gentle man who has let me stay at his house in Brownfield, Maine, the past two weeks. This morning, or what's left of it, is time for more coffee, some postcards, oatmeal, and maybe even further work on a 'drawing'.

So that's the latest- resting, eating, tending to details, setting plans for the days leading up to the Mount Washington Auto Road ascent.

ADDENDUM- 4:06 PM- No off road with Cliff, no drawing work. No oatmeal yet but have done post cards. Appears to be a secondary good rest day. I did sort through many months worth of legal pad type notes and consolidate some parts, leaving other parts to consolidate later.

Still before me there are almost eight hours between now and tommorow. Time to get to North Conway and do what there is to do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I gave blood today. Well, actually, they gave my blood back, but kept as many red cells as physically practicable. In the wake of the procedure, I got a nice jolt of saline to enhance the beauty of the sunny afternoon as I walked back to the office across the river. I stopped briefly on the bridge to watch the tugmen slide a barge into its slot.

Shortly thereafter I stopped to see Al, the barber, at "The Chair" and quickly eliminated a nice crop of curls; down to the mat, as they say. Who are "they" anyway? Anyway, with less reds and hair, I boarded the bus for my usual ride to leave-it-to-beaver street to retire the day. Otherwise, today I became a consultant; an idea consultant, to be precise. So if you need an idea, good or bad, let me know - for a small fee.

Here's one for free: I think mapping your spine, and its sequence of being across time, would be cool. You remember - the function of function?

I'm with you man,
G wiz

Blogger Sean said...


Thanks for the thoughts. Thanks for the words. Things are a bit busy lately and so I haven't pushed the curvature idea very far beyond imagining it when I lean back and lift my front wheels when going downhill.

Pashchimottanasanaist doesn't get much response at Any hints?

Job change? Positive change?? Best to you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.


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