Friday, December 21, 2007

Roughly 3 and 2/3's, no cussing please

Alright then- I haven't been bloggin much at all since things got thick back in March or so.

The year is ending. It is at or about the winter solstice. It is around when people are trying to end the year's work and begin the work of the coming year.

I am writing here, simply so that something will be written here.

My wood projects are incomplete.
My papier mache' projects are incomplete.
The mallet series has still not been finalised and presented.
The number drawings are wondering where I have been.
The lap-top and the cameras are a mish-mash of mish-mash-ableness.

In other words I am quite grateful for all that has come my way this year and I am confident that I have done my best with all the wonderful opportunities which have arisen.

Thank you to everyone who has shown me kindness and/or otherwise participated in my life.

Enjoy the Big Dark. For the next six months it's just more and more light.

Best wishes.


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