Sunday, May 28, 2006

Love My Dogs

So now I'm back home in East Lansdowne. The neighbor's dogs bark incessantly when ever they see someone within 20 yards of their yard. That means when ever I go outside onto the wheelchair ramp they start barking. And that means that making a phonecall in semi-privacy involves a good bit of background noise.

The bus trip on Saturday from North Conway, NH, to Philadelphia, PA, was fairly uneventful once the bus had gotten out of North Conway.

The meeting on Friday evening with Cliff Cabral for dinner at the Moat in North Conway was pleasant. The Cajun Blackened Catfish was awesome. I remember why I always got it when I was in North Conway last August.

The trip on Thursday up the Autoroad was less than awesome. I wound up getting disinterested at about 5.5 miles. Actually [more to write but putting this much online now].

At the moment, after getting back from some proper introspection time at the local introspection shelter- I love my dogs.

What are my dogs? My dogs would have to be my hands. I don't use my feet and my hands are pretty much callused up real good from loads of wheel pushing. Partly I discontinued the push up the Autoroad to keep my hands handy. They were getting sore and I thought it wise to not let them get too sore.

Again, I love my dogs.

What are my dogs? My dogs are the many thoughts I hold which motivate me to allow interpersonal experience to dog me, slow me down, act in ways which some call disfunctional and/or codependant. I think it best to keep my dogs and attend to my dogs. The big thing here is to realise whether a dog belongs to me or my neighbor.

Now if a dog belongs to my neighbor and not to me, it seems I want to try harder to address the fact that it bothers me when the neighbor's dogs bark incessantly and thereby stifle my behavior in some small to medium to at times very large way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who comments on this damn blog? Perhaps it should be called "blogNOTspot."

Otherwise, what's this we hear? NH, CO?

Blogger Sean said...

hopefully CA, CO, MN, NH, NY, PA, et al

yes, G, you are the man


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